Welcome to AFTO – AVILAB Flight Training Organization


The ELP Test, initial or revalidation, can be flexibly scheduled online at very short notice.

ICAO-EASA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Test for Pilots Online

AFTO, in partnership with our EASA-approved Language Assessment Body (LAB), provides ICAO-EASA English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessing for pilots who require ICAO ELP English minimum level 4, 5 or 6.

The aviation English language proficiency test can be completed  ‘online’ over a ZOOM video call.

You will complete the ICAO/EASA ELP Test on our virtual platform, using a webcam and microphone in a flexible online environment and this will save you some time and expense. Once you have completed your live audio recorded video call, the Language Proficiency Linguistic Expert (LPLE) will assess and grade your answers and provide you with a final rating. You will receive your result and language certificate within days. 

All testing procedures in use are compliant in all respects with the Test Service Provider requirements contained in ICAO Doc 9835 ‘Manual on the implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements’, EASA Part FCL.055 including related FCL.055 (d), published AMCs 1, 2 and 3, and Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/340.


Online Test + ELP Certificate

180 Euros